Articles on Cycling

Cycling Session of the Month: August – 40s / 20s Anaerobic Intervals

Cycling Session of the Month: August – 40s / 20s Anaerobic Intervals

With the end of the season coming soon, to many athletes that means that their final “A” race is around the corner. A workout that is great preparation for this are the 40s / 20s anaerobic intervals, which means 40 seconds at max power with a 20-second recovery interval. This workout helps the athletes to […]

My Attempt to Revive Training by Heart Rate

My Attempt to Revive Training by Heart Rate

A very common saying around cyclists is “power is king”, but is that really the case all of the time? Over the years I have noticed that this might not always be the case, and sometimes, just sometimes, heart rate might overthrow power as the king of training metrics for cyclists. How can this be? […]

Workout of the month: January

Workout of the month: January

With another year upon us it is important that we start thinking about a more structural training plan. Winter training is reaching its end and although we do not want to introduce intensity work, we want to start introducing structured work. This is why I believe that it is important to start introducing low intensity […]

5 Training Principles for Cyclists

5 Training Principles for Cyclists

There are many points of view among cyclist and coaches about what the proper way of training is. But most of them do have one thing in common, which is to maximize the amount of adaptation in the shortest time possible. Even if you have months or even years to train, like it is in […]

Is high volume training the answer to being fast?

Is high volume training the answer to being fast?

This is a common question that many athletes have, with cyclist specially interested in the subject. They can see in social media how elite and professional cyclist complete 20 or even 30 hours of training per week. This is probably why this question comes to mind in the first place. So then is that the […]

Training Bible for a Beginner Cyclist

Training Bible for a Beginner Cyclist

Cycling is a great sport to do in order to exercise and balance your body. It will not only make you fitter, but it will help you burn those calories that nobody likes. But it has to be done in a smart way, one that will not hurt you in the long run. The most […]

Sea Otter Classic 2019 – My Experience

Sea Otter Classic 2019 – My Experience

Another Sea Otter Classic Festival has ended and although I am a bit nostalgic that it is over, I cannot wait until next year comes around to go back. There is always something new to learn at the festival, new technologies to check out and of course the mandatory pictures with your favorite professional cyclists. […]

Indoor Training for Cyclists: Efficient or Counter-Productive?

Indoor Training for Cyclists: Efficient or Counter-Productive?

There are many debates into whether indoor training for cyclists is efficient or counter-productive to the overall improvement of its fitness. However, to many athletes there are times or situations when riding indoor is required in order to accommodate to their location or life schedule. This being because of work, family or other compromises that […]

Intensity vs Volume. What is the best way of balancing these factors on your training plan?

Intensity vs Volume. What is the best way of balancing these factors on your training plan?

As one progresses in their cycling training knowledge expands as well and new questions come to mind. A good question to ask yourself as an athlete or coach is, what is better for your particular training, is it more volume or more intensity on the workouts. Volume being the frequency and duration of workouts and […]

What is a good cycling training routine to improve my VO2 Max?

What is a good cycling training routine to improve my VO2 Max?

An athletes V02 Max is the maximal volume of oxygen uptake than an athlete can sustain during high-intensity activities, another way of describing it is how big its aerobic engine is. For this reason, you can see why it is a very important factor to consider when analyzing the strengths and limitations of an athlete, […]