Women Specific Cycling Training Plans

Women Specific Cycling Training Plans

“It never gets easier, you just go faster”

– Greg LeMond

Are you a woman looking to improve your cycling skills, acquire new skills, learn more cycling tricks, increase your endurance and power when cycling, and/or acquire more knowledge in cycling? All you need is consistent training and a good coach. I know it’s not easy to train continuously considering the fatigue involved in it, but the truth is, the more you train, the better it gets for you (of course combined with proper rest). Once you get used to training, it gets more comfortable for you, especially if you have the right coach and training plan. All you need to do is, have the right mindset and sheer determination, and make time for training. I know it won’t be easy, especially for busy women maybe with kids, or that have a family to care for, joggling between training and house chores might be difficult but for you to achieve the goals, you need to sacrifice a little and ask for support from your family and friends. Set a goal for yourself, and the most important thing you need is a proper training plan and a coach that will understand you. If you have the right coach (like myself), you are set to achieve your dreams of being the best version of yourself.

Offering Women-Specific Road, Mountain Bike, and Triathlon Training

When a woman sets her mind on something, she achieves it to the fullest. This is one of the main reasons why I believe that we have so many female leaders and champions in their respective fields. From road to mountain bike, triathlon, downhill, and just about any other category that you can think of. Normally, it is not an easy road for these champions, but they make it, they achieve their goals! All of them usually have one thing in common, determination. They were determined! I understand that as a woman you have many things to deal with, from work to biological cycles, to having children, and taking care of a family, and a home. Nonetheless, once they focus their minds on getting something done, they certainly get it done.

This includes possibly being one of the fittest versions of yourself that you can possibly be.

To be an incredible rider in cycling is not an easy task; it requires patience, endurance, commitment, dedication, and consistency. Most people see cycling as an easy sport; after all, most of us learned how to ride bikes when we were pretty young. Learning how to ride a bike is very different from being an amateur, master, or professional rider in cycling. To be a cycling athlete, a great amount of hours of training with a good, experienced and educated coach is reԛuired. Consistent training with the right coach is the key to being a fit cycling professional or amateur athlete. Even professional women cycling riders that you see on television, they still train daily in sync with their coaches and their training plan. This shows how important training is. No athlete, coach, or director can claim to know all there is in cycling. Cycling is a process, the more you train, the better you get, and the more specific you will have to become to continue to achieve gains. I am a USA Cycling Coach that specializes in woman coaching as well as a master racer in cycling, and I believe that I can help you reach your fitness goals.

The Importance of Training

Constant training increases your level of endurance when cycling, improves your cardiovascular system, makes you lose weight, improves your metabolism efficiency, it loosens stiffness in the muscles and joints, it strengthens the bones, improves, and makes the body a lot more flexible, along with many other benefits.

Training comes in many different levels, and it is very important that we find the right balance for you. The more you train, the higher the level of fitness you reach, the better and faster you will get…. Set a goal for yourself, have a positive mindset, be determined. Then you can achieve whatever you want, whether It is competing in a race or making certain cycling skills part of your skills library.

The Importance of Having a Coach

Everyone is looking to achieve better cycling skills and fitness. Every cycling beginner, and even cycling masters and professionals need coaching. I’m not saying you can’t achieve anything by yourself, but for you to achieve more and become an excellent cyclist, you need a coach. It will as well help you regulate your training so that you do not sink yourself into a hole by overtraining.

A coach motivates and encourages the athlete, monitoring every process of the training, leading, and guiding the athlete step by step in every training process. A coach trains with the athlete, making it possible for the coach to know all the weak points of the athlete and helping the athlete conԛuer those weak points.

Having a coach doesn’t end at training with the coach. The athlete needs to create a personal bond with the coach. That way, communication becomes really easy. You can share anything with me as your coach, making it easy for you to achieve your goals. Because as the saying goes, “a problem shared, is a problem solved”.

Start Training Today With A Great Coach!

I am Gilberto Cortez, a USA Cycling, NICA, and TrainingPeaks certified coach and one of the best cycling coaches in the US for women-specific cycling training. Like I mentioned earlier, I am myself a cycling master athlete, which makes coaching and understanding a cyclist point of view easy for me. I know most of the problems an athlete may come upon when cycling, because I’ve passed through those stages, and I know how to deal with them, which makes it easier for me to relate with the athletes. I’ve as well worked with several women athletes, and I can boldly say that I’m pretty knowledgeable at coaching women with great success. I do not only look at the physical part of it but as well the psychological, biological, and resting patterns to create the most effective training plan possible.



For NICA and other junior athletes (up to 18 years old)

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Bi-Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
24-Hour Coach Response Time
TrainingPeaks Basic Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght and Running Workouts


A great place to start for beginners and amateur athletes

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Bi-Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
Weekly Coach Communication
TrainingPeaks Basic Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght and Running Workouts


For the serious amateur, semi-pro or master level athlete

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
24-Hour Coach Response Time
TrainingPeaks Premium Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght and Running Workouts


For the athletes that like to mix it up a bit (all levels)

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
24-Hour Coach Response Time
TrainingPeaks Premium Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght, Running and Swimming Workouts