Junior Cycling Training and Coaching Program

Junior Cycling Training and Coaching Program

Welcome to my Junior Athlete Cycling Coaching Services! As a USA Cycling and TrainingPeaks certified coach, I am dedicated to enhancing the cycling skills and performance of junior athletes. My program is designed to foster a love for cycling while promoting healthy, active lifestyles. Let’s dive into the details of what my coaching services offer.

Program Overview

The primary objective of my junior coaching program is to provide young athletes with the tools and guidance they need to excel in cycling. Whether they are just starting or already have some experience, my program is tailored to meet their specific needs and goals. The program is structured to help juniors build their endurance, improve their techniques, and prepare for competitive events.

Who Is This Tailored For

This junior coaching program is specifically designed for junior athletes aged 8 to 18 years old. It caters to both beginners who are just getting into cycling and advanced juniors who are looking to refine their skills and compete at higher levels. Here are the key requirements and recommendations for participants:

Age Group

  • 8 to 18 years old: This program is suitable for young athletes within this age range, ensuring that the training is age-appropriate and effective.

Skill Level

  • Beginners to Advanced: Whether your child is new to cycling or has been riding for years, my program can be customized to fit their skill level.


  • Basic Cycling Gear: Participants must have a reliable bicycle and appropriate cycling attire.
  • Heart Rate Monitor: To track and optimize training intensity.
  • Bike in Proper Shape: Regular maintenance is essential for safety and performance.
  • Emergency Tools: A basic toolkit for on-the-go repairs.
  • Weight Scale: For monitoring physical progress and health.


  • Power Meter: For precise measurement of effort and performance.
  • Indoor Trainer with Power Meter: Ideal for training during inclement weather and controlled conditions.

Training Plans

One of the key features of my coaching program is the development of customized training plans. Each plan is tailored to the athlete’s goals, fitness level, and specific needs. Here’s how I structure the training plans:

Customized Plans

  • Individualized Training Programs: I design personalized training plans based on each athlete’s unique goals and fitness levels. Whether they aim to compete in a specific event or simply want to improve their overall performance, the plans are tailored to meet these objectives.
  • Focus on Specific Events or Championships: For athletes preparing for particular competitions, the training plan can be customized to focus on the skills and strategies needed for those events.


  • Annual Training Plans: The training is structured into macro, meso, and micro cycles, ensuring balanced development and peak performance at key times.
  • Macro Cycles: Long-term training goals spanning several months.
  • Meso Cycles: Medium-term goals, typically a few weeks to a couple of months.
  • Micro Cycles: Short-term, weekly, or bi-weekly goals to maintain focus and adaptability.


  • Use of TrainingPeaks: This platform allows for detailed tracking and analysis of training data. It helps in monitoring progress, adjusting plans, and ensuring that the athlete is on the right path.
  • Regular Performance Assessments: Routine evaluations to check improvements and make necessary adjustments to the training plan.
  • Power Data Analysis with WKO 5: Advanced analysis of power data using WKO 5 to optimize training and performance.

Training Sessions

Training sessions are the core of the program. They are designed to be comprehensive, covering various aspects of cycling training to ensure well-rounded development.

Types of Workouts

  • Endurance Rides: Long rides to build stamina and aerobic capacity.
  • Interval Training: High-intensity workouts to improve speed and power.
  • Skills Development: Focus on bike handling, cornering, and other technical skills essential for competitive cycling.
  • Strength and Conditioning: Exercises to enhance overall strength and conditioning, crucial for cycling performance.
  • VO2 Max Sessions: These sessions help improve the maximum amount of oxygen the athlete can utilize during intense exercise, which is crucial for endurance.
  • TTE (Time to Exhaustion) Sessions: Training designed to extend the duration an athlete can maintain a high intensity.
  • Mental Training: Techniques and exercises to enhance mental toughness, focus, and resilience, crucial for competitive performance.
  • Testing (Additional Cost)
    • VO2 Max Test: Specify training zones and tailor workouts to the athlete’s specific metabolic system.
    • FTP Test: Determine the highest power an athlete can sustain for a set period.
    • RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) Test: Assess the athlete’s metabolism to tailor nutrition and training plans.

Group Rides

  • Organized Group Rides: These rides are planned to build camaraderie among the athletes and develop team skills. Riding with peers can be highly motivating and enjoyable.

Coaching Methodology

My holistic coaching methodology focuses on all aspects of an athlete’s development.


  • Physical, Mental, and Technical Aspects: Training is not just about physical exercise; it also includes mental conditioning and technical skills development.
  • Holistic Coaching: A comprehensive approach that considers all factors affecting performance.


  • Regular Feedback Sessions: Athletes receive continuous feedback to help them improve.
  • Data Analytics: Using data from TrainingPeaks, WKO 5, and other tools to analyze performance and make informed adjustments.

Safety and Education Clinics

(additional cost)

Safety and education are paramount in my coaching program. Ensuring that athletes are safe and well-informed is critical.

Safety Protocols Clinics

  • Road Safety Education:
    • Teaching juniors how to ride safely on roads and trails.
    • How to repair a flat on the road.
    • Helmets, gloves, and other protective equipment are required.
    • Skills Clinic


  • Skills Clinic: For beginners to advance riders and racers.
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Educating athletes on the importance of proper nutrition and hydration.
  • Injury Prevention: Techniques and practices to avoid injuries.
  • Mental Toughness: Developing the mental resilience needed for competitive sports.

Competitions and Events

Preparing for and participating in competitions is a significant part of the program.

Race Preparation

  • Race Tactics and Strategies: Teaching athletes how to plan and execute race strategies.
  • Psychological Readiness: Preparing mentally for the challenges of competition.


  • Encouragement to Compete: Motivating athletes to participate in local, regional, and national competitions.
  • Support at Events: Providing on-site support during key competitions to help athletes perform their best.

Parent Involvement

Parents play a crucial role in their child’s athletic journey. I ensure that parents are involved and informed throughout the process.


  • Regular Updates and Progress Reports: Keeping parents informed about their child’s progress and training schedule.
  • Workshops for Parents: Sessions to help parents understand the development process and how they can support their child.
  • WhatsApp Group: A WhatsApp group is set up for each athlete and their parents. This allows for real-time updates, quick questions, and continuous support.
  • Average Response Time: I strive to respond to all queries within 24 hours, ensuring that athletes and parents always feel supported and informed.

Pricing and Packages

I offer affordable monthly packages to ensure that my coaching services are accessible to as many junior athletes as possible. (please see below or my online store)

Affordable Monthly Packages

  • Special Rates for NICA and USA Cycling Juniors: Reduced pricing for juniors who are actively racing in NICA or USA Cycling events. This makes high-quality coaching accessible to dedicated young athletes.

Additional Services

  • FTP Tests: Functional Threshold Power tests to determine the highest power an athlete can sustain for a set period.
  • RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate) Tests: Assessments to understand the athlete’s metabolism.
  • Bike Fitting: Professional bike fitting to ensure optimal comfort and performance.
  • VO2 Max Testing: Advanced testing to measure and improve aerobic capacity.
  • Nutritional Consultation: Guidance on diet and nutrition to enhance performance and recovery.

By offering comprehensive, tailored coaching services, I aim to help junior athletes reach their full potential in cycling. My goal is not only to improve their performance but also to instill a lifelong love for the sport. Thank you for considering my Junior Athlete Cycling Coaching Services. Let’s embark on this journey to excellence together!



For NICA and other junior athletes (up to 18 years old)

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Bi-Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
24-Hour Coach Response Time
TrainingPeaks Basic Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght and Running Workouts


A great place to start for beginners and amateur athletes

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Bi-Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
Weekly Coach Communication
TrainingPeaks Basic Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght and Running Workouts


For the serious amateur, semi-pro or master level athlete

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
24-Hour Coach Response Time
TrainingPeaks Premium Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght and Running Workouts


For the athletes that like to mix it up a bit (all levels)

USA Cycling & TrainingPeaks Certified Coach
Weekly Updates to your Custom Training Plan
24-Hour Coach Response Time
TrainingPeaks Premium Account
Workout Analysis with WKO5 Included
Cycling, Strenght, Running and Swimming Workouts