Articles on Nutrition

How many calories do you burn?

How many calories do you burn?

Have you ever wondered just how many calories you burn during a cycling session and how this affects your nutritional needs? The amount of energy an individual needs to consume can vary significantly from person to person. By understanding the average power output during activities like cycling, one can estimate calorie expenditure fairly accurately. This […]

10 Great Meals for Cyclists

10 Great Meals for Cyclists

A healthy diet is essential for providing the energy needed for cycling. Carbohydrates are the primary fuel source for intense exercise such as cycling, and a diet that is high in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables will provide a steady stream of energy to fuel the muscles. Additionally, a diet that […]

10 Breakfasts for an Endurance Athlete

10 Breakfasts for an Endurance Athlete

It is common knowledge that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It helps you to get started the proper way with lots of energy and enthusiasm. The only thing is that sometimes we forget that we need to have a proper meal and try to get by with just a granola bar […]